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common exclusions in insurance policies

Navigating Insurance Exclusions with XINSURANCE Solutions

This blog was last updated July 2, 2024 – we will continue to add to this blog with more insurance products/policies and the exclusions often found in them.

Are you tired of dealing with old-fashioned insurance policies that exclude important perils and risks and have unfriendly wording that leaves you wondering if you’re actually covered or not? It’s time to experience a revolutionary approach to insurance – XINSURANCE offers TRU Insurance solutions that actually cover you or your business. No more fake and cheap insurance policies that end up costing you in the long run! Our TRU Insurance solutions lead the way in filling the gaps, covering exclusions, and providing all-in-one specialty liability insurance coverage.

To help you understand and overcome these hidden vulnerabilities, we offer a free policy review. This service is designed to help identify the exclusions in your existing policies and to demonstrate how XINSURANCE can extend a safety net where others don’t. Our goal is simple: to ensure that you’re not just buying a promise, but a real solution that stands up when you need it the most.

Common Exclusions Found in Liability Insurance Policies

In the sections that follow, we will explore common insurance exclusions across various sectors — from contractors and mobile home parks to motocross and security services. We delve into what’s typically not covered and highlight how XINSURANCE brings you the coverage you truly deserve, filling those disheartening gaps in traditional insurance policies. Let’s untangle the knotty parts of insurance and replace uncertainty protection.


Contractors often face insurance policies riddled with exclusions that can leave them vulnerable. Common exclusions include:

  • Intentional damage
  • Defective design
  • Errors and omissions
  • Pollution
  • Inland marine coverage

XINSURANCE Solution: We offer customized liability insurance policies that incorporate these critical areas, ensuring contractors are protected against unique industry-specific risks.

Mobile Home Park Owners

Owners of mobile home parks encounter numerous exclusions that property insurance policies often do not cover, such as:

  • Earthquake
  • Flood
  • Wind
  • Wildfires
  • In-Transit accidents
  • Sinkholes
  • Animal liability
  • Water backup
  • Golf cart liability
  • Business income coverage
  • Playgrounds, hot tubs, docks, and water from liability
  • Limitations on outdoor property (e.g., trees, shrubs, & fences)

XINSURANCE Solution: Our policy solutions can be tailored to include these usually excluded perils, offering mobile home park owners’ peace of mind and robust protection.


Motocross participants and event organizers often deal with policies that exclude essential aspects of their sport, such as:

Auto Liability Exclusions:

  • Movement of property by a mechanical device
  • Mobile equipment
  • Pollution
  • Racing
  • Preparation for racing

Physical Damage Exclusions:

  • Racing
  • Preparation for racing
  • Non-owned auto
  • Transport and storage of the vehicle

XINSURANCE Solution: We provide specialized solutions that cover these excluded areas, offering comprehensive protection tailored to the unique risks of motocross.

Security Guards

Security guard services face insurance exclusions that could compromise their operations, including:

  • Limitations on defense coverage
  • Failure to perform medical services
  • Loading, unloading, or negligent entrustment of any auto
  • Communicable disease
  • Property in their care, custody, or control
  • Cyber liability

XINSURANCE Solution: Our customized liability insurance policy solutions  bridge these gaps, providing security professionals with the coverage they need.

General Liability Policies: Addressing Unique Business Risks

Businesses engaging in activities like inflatables, parasailing, and Segway tours often face numerous exclusions in general liability policies, such as:

  • Liquor liability
  • Sexual abuse and molestation
  • Assault and battery
  • Professional liability
  • Personal injury
  • Pollution
  • Statutory violations
  • Mobile equipment
  • Property in their care, custody, or control
  • Firearms
  • Active shooter
  • Loading or unloading any auto, aircraft, or watercraft
  • Communicable disease

XINSURANCE Solution: Our all-in-one policy approach allows for creating insurance solutions that include these typically excluded risks, offering enhanced protection tailored to the specific needs of unique businesses.

TRU Insurance vs. Fake Insurance

TRU Insurance, as exemplified by XINSURANCE solutions, stands in stark contrast to fake insurance — the latter being synonymous with cheap coverage that entices with lower initial costs, yet ultimately leads to greater financial strain in the long run. When adversity strikes, those entangled with fake or cheap insurance face high out-of-pocket expenses due to hidden exclusions and insufficient coverage. TRU Insurance, on the other hand, ensures a steadfast commitment to comprehensive, customized protection, effectively safeguarding against those very outcomes that cheap insurance fails to address, making it the SMART choice over time.

The Solution to Insurance Exclusions

At XINSURANCE, we pride ourselves on offering insurance solutions that truly cover the gaps left by traditional policies. With a focus on customizable coverage, we’re dedicated to providing the protection our clients need in an ever-changing risk landscape.

Don’t let exclusions leave you exposed; let XINSURANCE be your partner in specialty liability insurance solutions. Get a quote today!